Aug 3rd, 2023
ビジネスに役立つ経済金融英語 第23回: デカップリング(decoupling)からデリスキング(de-risking)へ

1. 二つの『デカップリング』
まず、デカップリングについて。私の理解では「デカップリング」(経済的分離)という言葉はこれまで2度流行した。1度目は米国以外の諸国(特に新興国と欧州)経済が独自に経済力をつけて米国への依存度が低下していくという意味での「デカップリング論」だ。2007年ぐらいから盛んに主張されたものの、結局、米国でサブプライム問題が顕在化し、「リーマンショック(the Lehman crisis)」(2008年9月15日)で世界経済が大不況(Great Recession:世界金融危機(global financial crisis)とも言う)に陥ると、経済のグローバル化があまりに進んだので、「(よくよく考えてみれば)デカップリング論などありえないじゃないか」という反省とともに2010年ぐらいまでに急速にしぼんでしまった、ある意味あだ花、幻想である。そして2度目がトランプ政権樹立後に顕在化し、コロナのパンデミックの拡大とともに急激に進んで今年3月までは続いた米中対立・分離を意味する「デカップリング」(米中双方の)政策だ。この経緯については昨年12月に「二つの『デカップリング』」という2回の連載記事を日本会議通訳者協会に書いたので、詳しくはそちらをお読みいただきたい(前編が「『デカップリング』(decoupling theory/thesis)という『幻想』」。後編が「米中分離論としての『デカップリング』」)。
2. 今年の流行語大賞は「デリスキング」?
The contest for word of the year is already over. In the geopolitical category, the winner is “de-risking”.(今年の流行語大賞はもう決定した。地政学的部門の大賞は「デリスキング(リスク低減)」だ)
This D-word has moved from obscurity to ubiquity in less than two months. It was the centrepiece of a speech about China made in late March by Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president. De-risking was then seized upon by the Biden administration. Then, last week, it was endorsed by a G7 summit.
One reason why western leaders have embraced de-risking with such alacrity is that it gets them off a rhetorical hook. Previous talk of “decoupling” western economies from China was often castigated as impossible and extreme. De-risking sounds more prudent and targeted. Western businesses are being told that they can still trade with China — it is just that some safeguards are needed.
原文:”De-risking trade with China is a risky business” by Gideon Rachman, Financial Times. May 29, 2023.(「中国とのデリスキングの取引は危険なビジネス」、2023年5月23日付フィナンシャル・タイムズ) 有料記事です。
翻訳:「[FT]概念先行の「デリスキング」」ギデオン・ラックマン 2023年6月2日付日本経済新聞 有料記事です。
With all this in mind, our response must start by working to strengthen the international system itself. We want to work with our partners on global issues like trade, finance, climate, sustainable development or health. For that, we need to reinforce the institutions and systems in which countries can compete and cooperate and from which they benefit.
This is why it is vitally important that we ensure diplomatic stability and open communication with China. I believe it is neither viable – nor in Europe’s interest – to decouple from China. Our relations are not black or white – and our response cannot be either. This is why we need to focus on de-risk – not de-couple. *snip* Managing this relationship and having an open and frank exchange with our Chinese counterparts is a key part of what I would call the de-risking through diplomacy of our relations with China.
(Speech by President von der Leyen on EU-China relations to the Mercator Institute for China Studies and the European Policy Centre)(メルカトル中国研究所(MERICS)・欧州政策センター共催イベントにおける、EUと中国の関係に関するフォンデアライエン欧州委員会委員長の演説)
(3)外務省:G7広島サミット(令和5年5月19日~21日)、成果文書の一部 (英語が正文、日本語が外務省による仮訳。下線は鈴木)
We are taking concrete steps to:
・coordinate our approach to economic resilience and economic security that is based on diversifying and deepening partnerships and de-risking, not de-coupling;
<Regional Affairs>
51. We stand together as G7 partners on the following elements, which underpin our respective relations with China:
51. 我々は、 G7のパートナーとして、それぞれの中国との関係を支える以下の要素について結束する。
・Our policy approaches are not designed to harm China nor do we seek to thwart China’s economic progress and development. A growing China that plays by international rules would be of global interest. We are not decoupling or turning inwards. At the same time, we recognize that economic resilience requires de-risking and diversifying. We will take steps, individually and collectively, to invest in our own economic vibrancy. We will reduce excessive dependencies in our critical supply chains.
・我々の政策方針は、中国を害することを目的としておらず、中国の経済的進歩及び発展を妨げようともしていない。成長する中国が、国際的なルールに従って振る舞うことは、世界の関心事項である。我々は、デカップリング又は内向き志向にはならない。同時に、我々は、経済的強靱性にはデリスキング及び多様化が必要であることを認識する。我々は、自国の経済の活力に投資するため、個別に又は共同で措置をとる。我々は、 重要なサプライチェーンにおける過度な依存を低減する。
3月末に始まって数カ月で(少なくとも欧米先進国では)ここまで盛り上がったデリスキングについて、一連の経緯を歴史的背景まで含めて端的に説明してくれるのが、「THE HINDU」紙(インド、チェンナイに本部を置き150年の歴史を誇るインドの英字日刊紙)のオンライン版の記事、Explained | Why is the U.S. shifting its approach to China from decoupling to de-risking?(解説:なぜアメリカは中国とのデカップリングからデリスキングへとアプローチを転換しているのか?)だ。本連載の「第20回:グローバルサウス(Global South)」で紹介したように、インドは、いかなる国とも正式な同盟を結ばずに(「警戒すべき中国とインドの関係改善(The Economist)」*)、「グローバルサウス」の盟主を標榜している。その国の主要紙による包括的な解説記事だ。少々長いが、「デリスキング」に関する基本知識を得られる貴重な情報源として重要な箇所を紹介したい。以下(4)~(6)まではすべてこの解説記事からの引用である。
(4)THE HINDU紙より①:デリスキングの歴史的背景((4)以降の英文記事の翻訳、下線、日本語の小見出し、注はすべて鈴木)
The story so far: The Trump-era focus of the U.S. to decouple from China is being phased out by a new concept. The U.S. has expressed that it is shifting its policy on China from decoupling to de-risking. The EU has already declared that its approach to China will be based on de-risking. The recently concluded G-7 summit at Hiroshima, through its Leader’s Communique, has also expressed the grouping’s consensus on de-risking.
(これまでの経緯: トランプ政権時代に米国が注力してきた中国との経済的分離という方針は、新たな観念により段階的に脱却されつつある。米国は中国に対する方針を、デカップリングからデリスキングへと転換していると明言した。既に欧州連合(EU)は、中国に対するアプローチをデリスキングに基づくものとすると表明している(注(2)フォンデアライエン欧州委員長の演説を参照)。また最近広島で開催されたG-7サミットでも、首脳声明を通じてリスク軽減についての一致した見解を示した。)
(5)THE HINDU紙より②:デリスキングとは何か?:歴史的背景:相互依存(米中国交樹立)から経済的分離(デカップリング)まで
After the establishment of diplomatic ties between the U.S. and China in 1979, both the countries embarked on a path of increasing economic interdependence. China gained immensely from this relationship, as it helped the country drastically widen and deepen its diplomatic and economic engagement with the rest of the world. As China’s economic and military power grew, its ambition to challenge the primacy of the U.S. in the international system became increasingly apparent. China’s rise not only came at the expense of America’s global clout, but also the latter’s domestic industry, which got “hollowed out” in its four-decade old economic embrace with China.
By the time Donald Trump took over the reins of power in the U.S., dealing with the techno-economic challenge from China became a matter of urgency. The Trump administration made it a point to attack the gargantuan bilateral trade imbalance in favour of China. It also wished to keep the U.S’s high technology sector out of China’s reach. In a series of moves, Trump raised tariffs on Chinese imports which invited retaliatory tariffs from China. The U.S.-China ‘trade war’ started, and bilateral relations were set on course for a “decoupling” from the American standpoint. This approach was marked by a rare sense of bipartisanship in an otherwise polarised domestic political climate in the U.S.
Therefore, the Biden administration which took over from the Trump administration continued with the latter’s China policy. However, over time, the Biden administration added its own features into the China policy inherited from Trump. Most recently the label of “decoupling” has been changed to “de-risking”. According to the U.S. National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan, “de-risking fundamentally means having resilient, effective supply chains and ensuring we cannot be subjected to the coercion of any other country”. While decoupling stands for an eventual reversal of the four-decade old project to enmesh the two economies, de-risking aims to limit such an effect only in areas where it undercuts the national security and industrial competence of the U.S.
(6)THE HINDU紙より③:なぜ今「デリスキング」なのか?
In order to understand the rationale behind the U.S.’s shift from decoupling to de-risking, it is important to comprehend the timing of the move. The policy change has been announced in the wake of several events of high geopolitical significance. The world has just emerged out of the tentacles of the pandemic after three disruptive years and the global economy is hoping for a resulting rebound. The U.S.-China rivalry had peaked in the past few months — from the ratcheting of tensions across the Taiwan Strait to the acrimonious spy balloon episode between the two countries. China also witnessed Xi Jinping beginning his second decade of rule over China in an unprecedented third term as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the Central Military Commission and President of the People’s Republic of China, ever since the dawn of the reform era.
In parallel, a year has passed since Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine, with the conflict going on without any end in sight. Mr. Xi, after starting his third consecutive leadership term, made his first foreign visit to Russia where he proposed a peace plan. He has also, in his third leadership tenure, extended his “peacemaking diplomacy” to West Asia, striking gold in normalising the frayed Saudi-Iran ties. All of these developments have necessitated the U.S. to recalibrate its posture towards China. In such a situation, casting the U.S.-China relations as a new Cold War and a zero-sum game appears to be risky for the U.S. Bringing more nuance into its earlier decoupling approach could bring down China’s guard and give the U.S. more room to re-consolidate its strength.
Perhaps, the Russia-Ukraine conflict could have played a pivotal role in enabling the U.S’s policy shift towards China. The Biden administration, unlike its predecessor, has made it a point to reassure its European allies. At a time when China has been backing Russia in its shadow battle in Ukraine against the West, the idea of decoupling hardly appeals to the European Union (EU). The EU has in fact been looking to woo China in order to convince it to stop supporting Russia from skirting Western sanctions.
In this context, a watered down version in the form of de-risking could better achieve the objective of getting Europe on board the U.S’s efforts to counter China. It is therefore no surprise that the U.S’s recent articulation of its de-risking approach repeatedly draws references to the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s milestone speech on “EU-China relations” to the Mercator Institute for China Studies and the European Policy Centre on March 30. In her speech, Ms. von der Leyen stressed that the EU’s strategy to China will be based on de-risking. This was a precursor to her visit to China in April, along with the French President Emmanuel Macron, with the Russia-Ukraine war as the main agenda. In fact, China policies of the U.S. and the EU have been witnessing a significant convergence of late — recent developments may have only triggered the Trans-Atlantic consensus on de-risking vis-à-vis China.
((4)~(6)の出所:”Explained | Why is the U.S. shifting its approach to China from decoupling to de-risking?” by ANAND V. The Hindu. May 30, 2023 )(「解説:なぜアメリカは中国とのデカップリングからデリスキングへとアプローチを転換しているのか?」アナンドV、2023年5月30日)
(7)What China Thinks:NYTより
To the Chinese government, unsurprisingly, “de-risking” isn’t much of an improvement.
“There is a sense that ‘de-risking’ might be ‘decoupling’ in disguise,” the state-run Global Times wrote in a recent editorial. It argued that Washington’s approach had not strayed from “its unhealthy obsession with maintaining its dominant position in the world.”
Some commentators in the region are also de-risk skeptics. “A substantial change in policy?” asked Alex Lo, a columnist for The South China Morning Post. “I doubt it. It just sounds less belligerent; the underlying hostility remains.”
(How ‘Decoupling’ From China Became ‘De-risking’ By Damien Cave, New York Times. May 22, 2023「中国からの『デカップリング』がどのように『デリスキング』に変わったか」デイミエン・ケイブ、2023年5月22日 )*有料記事です。
(「米国との「極限状況」に備える中国 呉軍華氏 日本総合研究所上席理事」2023年7月6日付日本経済新聞)*有料記事です。